Assault at Publix: Woman Attacks Employee with Spaghetti Sauce Cans in Florida Shoplifting Incident

The Anderton Creasey Show
The Anderton Creasey Show
Assault at Publix: Woman Attacks Employee with Spaghetti Sauce Cans in Florida Shoplifting Incident

Welcome to “AI News Today,” your source for the latest happenings in a compact and concise format. In today’s episode, we cover a unique shoplifting incident from Florida where a confrontation in a Publix supermarket takes a bizarre turn. A 33-year-old woman, when confronted by a store employee for stealing, resorts to using cans of spaghetti sauce as projectiles, leading to charges of battery and petit theft. Tune in for more odd news stories and make sure you’re always caught up with the strangest incidents happening around you! Click subscribe to stay updated.

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